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Mini-Rant: The "Revamped" Theme Editor Is Broken

Jesus Christ. 


I've been setting up blogs for about three years now, and never have I had such a hard time making a blog look the way I want it to. I've spent the last two hours trying to fix the theme, to no avail. Doing something as simple as changing the font sizes on posts has taken me ten minutes to figure out. And to be honest, I still don't even know if I'm actually doing it right. It would be helpful if the giant-ass preview on the side of the theme editing page would actually show you what you're currently editing, but no. I have to make changes, hit save, come out to the actual blog and reload the page. And 90% of the time nothing looks different. Those huge blank spaces on the sides of the page? I know they look terrible. I have no clue how to add shit to the sidebar. What used to just involve simple clicking and dragging is now something I'm going to have to watch a YouTube tutorial to figure out. 

Good job making the site more "user-friendly", Blogger!

So if you're wondering why the hell this blog looks like a screencap from a 1992 Geocities site, it's because the new theme editor is broken as all hell. I'll figure it out, though.



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